
Delta recognizes the importance of sustainability in today’s business landscape, and is committed to conducting business in a responsible and ethical manner.  Where sustainability is a priority for our clients, Delta will always be open to discussing how we can align our practices with their sustainability goals and preferences. We are continuously evaluating opportunities to integrate sustainable practices into our operations as we grow, and are proud to have adopted the following sustainability strategies:

  • Green Office Practices: Implementing sustainable practices within their office environment, such as reducing paper usage, energy conservation, waste reduction, and recycling programs.

  • Digitalization of Processes: Minimizing paper usage by digitizing files, using electronic communication, and employing cloud-based storage solutions.

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Recruiting local investigators who reside in close proximity to surveillance file locations to reduce travel.

  • Sustainable Procurement: Choosing environmentally friendly suppliers and products, opting for recycled or sustainably sourced office supplies and equipment.

  • Employee Education and Engagement: Providing training and awareness programs to employees about sustainability issues and encouraging them to participate in green initiatives.

  • Community Involvement: Engaging in community environmental initiatives, such as volunteering for local clean-up efforts or sponsoring eco-events.

As Delta grows and matures, so too will its capacity to dedicate the necessary thought leadership and resources towards creating, implementing, and measuring the impact of its own formalized sustainability strategy.